The majority of the DAFNA Team has worked together for over a decade. We pride ourselves on Steadfast Integrity, Intellectual Excellence, Responsiveness and Reliability, and a Dedication to Constant Improvement. We value quality over quantity.
Dr. Nathan Fischel, M.D., CFA Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Dr. Fariba Ghodsian, D.Phil., MBA Chief Investment Officer
David Fischel, CPA, CFA, CAIA, MBA Principal
Daniel Fotinich, CFA, MBA Research Analyst
Dr. Yuanye (Hammond) Sun, Ph.D. Research Analyst
Daphna Fischel, MSc Research Analyst
Xun Lin, CFA, MS, CPA Director of Finance & Chief Compliance Officer
Michelle Belson Office Manager & Executive Assistant
DAFNA Capital Management LLC | 10990 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1400 | Los Angeles, CA 90024 | Contact Us | p: 310.954.3200
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